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Through the eyes of thirteen-year-old Hermann von Kessenbrück, 1534 Münster was like any boring hometown: a large moat ... annoying neighbors ... a fervent people’s movement to depose the Pope. But, when an Anabaptist prophet arrives to foretell the nearing apocalypse and a war against Catholicism, Hermann is more interested in his first love: the prophet’s beautiful wife.


Prophets of a Doom is a bloody, spectacular, and acerbically comedic staging of the weirder-than-fiction true history of the 1534 Münster Rebellion. 

Learn more about Prophets of Doom on the New Play Exchange.


2018 - Finalist, University of Central Florida's Pegasus PlayLab

2016 - Staged Reading, University of Maryland's Second Season (Dir. Brittany Proudfoot Ginder)


"Displaying such a tragic story on stage seems like a daunting task, yet this show somehow created a lighthearted, entertaining and hilarious performance that kept its audience engaged throughout .... While the performance consisted only of the play's first act, there was sufficient character development and a series of dramatic events that left the audience hungry for more as the actors, after taking their final bow, danced off stage."

- Lillian Andemicael, University of Maryland Diamondback 

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